When the world ka-boomed from COVID-19, disc golf was not left out of the damage. For months, sanctioned events were canceled or postponed and like many aspects of our lives, nothing post COVID-19 in the world of disc golf would be the same.
PDGA staff worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that once sanctioned play could happen once again that the competitors were not only following all laws, but were safe.
“You can’t gather in groups” and “you should not pass objects to other people” were park and local law mandates that made a very standard practice of gathering for player meetings to discuss rules and tee assignments as well as keeping score on a traditional paper scorecard nearly impossible. The PDGA already had PDGA Live, introduced in 2003, where anyone could view hole-by-hole results for events that used it. The PDGA Technology team had also been hard at work since the summer of 2018 on the PDGA Digital Scorecard, which was first released in 2019 for sanctioned lea...